Odoo 10.0 Accounting

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1. SkySys Solutions LL C A c v a t ed b y Be ac v e . W ork Onl ine . An ywher e . . An yme . . An y De vic e . . Accounting

4. Introduction to Odoo Accounting Transcript Odoo is beautiful accounting software designed for the needs of the 21st century. Odoo connects directly to your bank or paypal account. Transactions are synchronized every hour and reconciliation is blazing fast. It's like magic. Instantly create invoices and send them with just a click. No need to print them. Odoo can send them for you by email or regular mail. Your customers pay online, meaning you get your money right away. Odoo accounting is connected with all Odoo our apps such as sale, purchase, inventory and subscriptions. This way, recording vendor bills is also super quick. Set a vendor, select the purchase order and Odoo fills in everything for you automatically. Then, just use the SEPA protocol or print checks to pay vendors in batches. It's that easy with Odoo. Wait, there is more. You will love the Odoo reports. From legal statements to executive summaries, they are fast and dynamic. Use Odoo's business intelligence feature to navigate through all your companies data. Of course, Odoo is mobile too. You can use it to check your accounts on the go. Try Odoo now, and join 2 millions of happy users.

8. contract) is recorded as a journal entry, impacting several accounts. For a journal entry to be balanced , the sum of all its debits must be equal to the sum of all its credits. examples of accounting entries for various transactions. Example: Example 1: Customer Invoice: Explanation: You generate a revenue of $1,000 You have a tax to pay of $90 The customer owes $1,090 Configuration: Income: defined on the product, or the product category Account Receivable: defined on the customer Tax: defined on the tax set on the invoice line The fiscal position used on the invoice may have a rule that replaces the Income Account or the tax defined on the product by another one. Example 2: Customer Payment: Explanation:

3. Bank Feeds How to synchronize Odoo with your bank? Import OFX statement files Import QIF statement files Import Coda statement files (Belgium only) How to synchronize your PayPal account with Odoo? Register bank statements manually Miscellaneous How to manage batch deposits of checks? How to do a bank wire transfer from one bank to another? Bank Reconciliation Use cases in the bank reconciliation process? Configure model of entries Others Configuration What is an account type and how do I configure it? Analytic Analytic account use cases How to track costs of human resources with timesheets? How to track costs of purchases, expenses, subcontracting? Taxes How to create new taxes How to set default taxes How to adapt taxes to my customer status or localization How to get right tax rates in the US thanks to TaxCloud How to set tax-included prices How to manage withholding taxes? How to manage prices for B2B (tax excluded) and B2C (tax included)? Adviser Manage your fixed assets How to do a year end in Odoo? (close a fiscal year) How to manage a financial budget? Overview How is Odoo's multi-currency working? How to manage invoices & payment in multiple currencies? Record exchange rates at payments Reporting What are the main reports available? How to create a customized reports with your own formulas? Inventory Impact on the average price valuation when returning goods How to do an inventory valuation? (Continental Accounting) How to do an inventory valuation? (Anglo-Saxon Accounting)

2. Overview Main Concepts Introduction to Odoo Accounting The Accounting behind Odoo Accounting Memento For Entrepreneurs (US GAAP) Accounting Terminologies Getting Started How to setup Odoo Accounting? Process overview From Invoice to Payment Collection From Vendor Bills to Payments Account Receivables Customer Invoices Overview of the invoicing process How to setup cash discounts? How to setup and use payment terms How to define an installment plan on customer invoices? Deferred revenues: how to automate them? How to edit or refund an invoice? How to modify a validated invoice? Customer Payments What are the different ways to record a payment? How to register credit card payments on invoices? How to accept paypal payments on invoices? How to register customer payments by checks? How to get paid and organize customer follow-ups? How to get paid? How to automate customer follow-ups with plans? Account Payables Supplier Bills How to manage vendor Bills? When should I use supplier bills or purchase receipts? Pay supplier bills Pay with SEPA Pay by Checks How to pay several bills at once? Misc How to forecast future bills to pay? How to keep track of employee expenses? Bank & Cash Setup How to setup a new bank account? How to manage a cash register? How to manage a bank in a foreign currency?

6. Accounts Receivable & Payable By default, Odoo uses a single account for all account receivable entries and one for all accounts payable entries. You can create separate accounts per customers/suppliers, but you don't need to. As transactions are associated to customers or suppliers, you get reports to perform analysis per customer/supplier such as the customer statement, revenues per customers, aged receivable/payables, ... Wide range of Ğnancial reports In Odoo, you can generate financial reports in real time. Odoo's reports range from basic accounting reports to advanced management reports. Odoo's reports include: Performance reports (such as Profit and Loss, Budget Variance) Position reports (such as Balance Sheet, Aged Payables, Aged Receivables) Cash reports (such as Bank Summary) Detail reports (such as Trial Balance and General Ledger) Management reports (such as Budgets, Executive Summary) Odoo's report engine allows you to customize your own report based on your own formulae. Import bank feeds automatically Bank reconciliation is a process that matches your bank statement lines, as supplied by the bank, to your accounting transactions in the general ledger. Odoo makes bank reconciliation easy by frequently importing bank statement lines from your bank directly into your Odoo account. This means you can have a daily view of your cashflow without having to log into your online banking or wait for your paper bank statements. Odoo speeds up bank reconciliation by matching most of your imported bank statement lines to your accounting transactions. Odoo also remembers how you've treated other bank statement lines and provides suggested general ledger transactions. Calculates the tax you owe your tax authority Odoo totals all your accounting transactions for your tax period and uses these totals to calculate your tax obligation. You can then check your sales tax by running Odoo's Tax Report. Inventory Valuation Odoo support both periodic (manual) and perpetual (automated) inventory valuations. The available methods are standard price, average price, LIFO (for countries allowing it) and FIFO. Easy retained earnings Retained earnings is the portion of income retained by your business. Odoo automatically calculates your current year earnings in real time so no year-end journal or rollover is required. This is calculated by reporting the profit and loss balance to your balance sheet report automatically. See also View impact of the valuation method on your transactions 

5. The Accounting behind Odoo This page summarises the way Odoo deals with typical accounts and transactions. Double-entry bookkeeping Odoo automatically creates all the behind-the-scenes journal entries for each of your accounting transactions: customer invoices, point of sale order, expenses, inventory moves, etc. Odoo uses the rules of double-entry bookkeeping system: all journal entries are automatically balanced (sum of debits = sum of credits). See also Understand Odoo's accounting transactions per document  Accrual and Cash Basis Methods Odoo support both accrual and cash basis reporting. This allows you to report income / expense at the time transactions occur (i.e., accrual basis), or when payment is made or received (i.e., cash basis). Multi-companies Odoo allows to manage several companies within the same database. Each company has its own chart of accounts and rules. You can get consolidation reports following your consolidation rules. Users can access several companies but always work in one company at a time. Multi-currencies Every transaction is recorded in the default currency of the company. For transactions occurring in another currency, Odoo stores both the value in the currency of the company and the value in the currency of the transaction. Odoo can generate currencies gains and losses after the reconciliation of the journal items. Currency rates are updated once a day using a yahoo.com online web-service. International Standards Odoo accounting support more than 50 countries. The Odoo core accounting implement accounting standards that is common to all countries and specific modules exists per country for the specificities of the country like the chart of accounts, taxes, or bank interfaces. In particular, Odoo's core accounting engine supports: Anglo-Saxon Accounting (U.S., U.K.,, and other English-speaking countries including Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) where cost of good sold are reported when products are sold/delivered. European accounting where expenses are accounted at the supplier bill. Storno accounting (Italy) where refund invoices have negative credit/debit instead of a reverting the original journal items. Odoo also have modules to comply with IFRS rules.

7. Accounting Memento For Entrepreneurs (US GAAP) The Profit and Loss (P&L) report shows the performance of the company over a specific period (usually the current year). The Gross Profit equals the revenues from sales minus the cost of goods sold. Operating Expenses (OPEX) include administration, sales and R&D salaries as well as rent and utilities, miscellaneous costs, insurances, ... anything beyond the costs of products sold. The Balance Sheet is a snapshot of the company's finances at a specific date (as opposed to the Profit and Loss which is an analysis over a period) Assets represent the company's wealth, things it owns. Fixed assets includes building and offices, current assets include bank accounts and cash. A client owing money is an asset. An employee is not an asset. Liabilities are obligations from past events that the company will have to pay in the future (utility bills, debts, unpaid suppliers). Equity is the amount of the funds contributed by the owners (founders or shareholders) plus previously retained earnings (or losses). Each year, net profits (or losses) are reported to retained earnings. What is owned (an asset) has been financed through debts to reimburse (liabilities) or equity (profits, capital). A difference is made between buying an assets (e.g. a building) and expenses (e.g. fuel). Assets have an intrinsic value over time, versus expenses having value in them being consumed for the company to "work". Assets = Liabilities + Equity Chart of Accounts The chart of accounts lists all the accounts, whether they are balance sheet accounts or P&L accounts. Every financial transaction (e.g. a payment, an invoice) impacts accounts by moving value from one account (credit) to an other account (debit). Balance = Debit - Credit Journal Entries Every financial document of the company (e.g. an invoice, a bank statement, a pay slip, a capital increase


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