Борлуулалтын               цэг ПОС                         

Хэдхэн минутанд тохиргоо хийж, хэдхэн                                              секундэд борлуулалт хийнэ.                                                                           Ямар ч төхөөрөмж дээр тохирно.

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Ямар ч төхөөрөмж дээр нийцэж ажиллана

Ямар нэгэн суулгалт хийх эсвэл ямар нэг тусгайлсан төхөөрөмж шаардлагагүй.

Зөөврийн компьютер
Суурин компьютер
Тусгай төхөөрөмжүүд

Таны дэлгүүрт хэрэгтэй бүхэн бий

Odoo ПОС нь смарт интерфейс дээр суурилсан бөгөөд жижиглэн худалдааны ямар ч байгууллагад асуудалгүй тохирно. Тэрээр үнэхээр уян хатан тохируулгатай бөгөөд яг өөрийн хэрэгцээндээ тааруулж нарийвчлан тохируулах боломжтой.

Онлайн болон оффлайнаар 

Odoo's Point of Sale stays reliable even if your connection is not.

Set up new stores quickly and easily with just an internet connection. Then use your Point of Sale everywhere, anytime.

While an internet connection is required to start the Point of Sale, it will stay operational even after complete disconnection.

Харилцагчидтайгаа нягт холбоотой бай

Гайхуулам Лоялти Хөтөлбөрөөр тэдгээрийн аргамжаарай.

Reward your loyal customers with points, gifts and discounts with Odoo loyalty programs. The whole process is fast and can be entirely automated. Identifying your customers is even faster with loyalty cards and customer barcode ids.

Харилцагчдынхаа худалдан авRegister your customers to keep track of their buying habits. You can then send them special offers and sale notices with Mailing. Register tax identifications for your business customers and give them invoices instantly (or send by email).

Integrated Inventory management

Real time control & accurate forecasts to manage procurements.

Inventory app automatically inputs any transaction from the POS in the stock. You can see in real time the availability of products without losing time. Furthermore, the POS is compatible with
eCommerce. You won't need to setup separate stocks for the two apps and be a truly multi-channel business, without headache.

Discover more

Odoo-н бусад аппуудтай бүрэн интеграцлагдсан

Fully  integrated with other    Odoo Apps  

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Keep track of your customers habits and send them special offers and sale notices.



Maintain full control over your inventory and get accurate forecasts of stock levels.



Create customer invoices in just a few clicks.



Boost your online sales with sleek product pages.


The largest baking and party supplies specialty shop in Finland. As the company grew, Confetti was looking for an ERP solution to support e-commerce business processes.


A wine bar implemented Odoo Online two years ago. From Inventory to Point of Sales, discover how they are managing and selling their wines.

Эргэлт буцалтгүйгээр АктивМН дээр ирээдүйг хамтдаа бүтээцгээе.