Онлайн Захиалга


In Odoo, tasks are performed by creating modules.

Modules customize the behavior of an Odoo installation, either by adding new behaviors or by altering existing ones (including behaviors added by other modules).

Odoo's scaffolding can setup a basic module. To quickly get started simply invoke:

$ ./odoo-bin scaffold Academy my-modules


This will automatically create a my-modules module directory with an academy module inside. The directory can be an existing module directory if you want, but the module name must be unique within the directory.

We have a "complete" module ready for installation.

Although it does absolutely nothing we can install it:

  • start the Odoo server

    $ ./odoo-bin --addons-path addons,my-modules
  • go to http://localhost:8069
  • create a new database including demonstration data
  • to go Settings ‣ Modules ‣ Modules
  • in the top-right corner remove the Installed filter and search for academy
  • click the Install button for the Academy module

Controllers interpret browser requests and send data back.

Add a simple controller and ensure it is imported by (so Odoo can find it):

Shut down your server (^C) then restart it:

$ ./odoo-bin --addons-path addons,my-modules

and open a page to http://localhost:8069/academy/academy/, you should see your "page" appear:

Controllers interpret browser requests and send data back.

Add a simple controller and ensure it is imported by (so Odoo can find it):

Shut down your server (^C) then restart it:

$ ./odoo-bin --addons-path addons,my-modules

and open a page to http://localhost:8069/academy/academy/, you should see your "page" appear: